Southern Illinois University carbondale
GYO’s Re-emergence in Southern Illinois
With an initial planning grant from the Illinois Board of Higher Education, SIU’s Grow Your Own consortium began accepting teacher candidates in 2018. Currently, the consortium includes several of the area’s Regional Offices of Education, as well as the Association of Illinois Rural and Small Schools.
With two active cohorts in Special Education, SIU GYO is supporting active classroom aides on their way to becoming licensed teachers. An additional cohort is being developed in Early SIU is proud to offer this non-traditional licensure pathway.
An Education at Southern Illinois University Makes it Happen
The Special Education degree program from Southern Illinois University is where candidates meet their state licensure requirements. Degree programs may be completed in two years. Like all GYO programs, SIU provides financial support in the form of tuition forgiveness, and in return, graduates commit to teaching for at least five years in a high-needs school or position.
GYO SIU is seeking teachers to instruct students with disabilities grades K-12, as well as early childhood teachers to instruct students from birth through second grade.
Cohort Support
The program provides valuable active learning opportunities by integrating courses and field experiences that will promote the skills necessary for a successful teaching career. GYO SIU is committed to furthering students' educational interests and providing a supportive learning environment.
Teachers receive ongoing support after placement. In partnership with Southern Illinois University, SIU GYO assists graduates with employment and networking opportunities. Graduates are invited to ongoing development sessions to enhance and deepen their skills as outstanding local teachers and community members.